Pelatihan Inovatif untuk Masa Depan

Kursus online interaktif dan pelatihan profesional untuk meningkatkan daya saing Anda.

4.8 dari 5 bintang


Tentang Kami

Pelatihan inovatif dengan solusi pembelajaran berbasis teknologi untuk individu dan perusahaan di era digital.

Layanan Pelatihan

Kami menawarkan kursus online interaktif dan pelatihan keterampilan untuk individu dan perusahaan.

Kursus Online

Pelajari berbagai keterampilan baru melalui kursus online yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan daya saing Anda.

A group of children is seated at tables in a modern classroom or learning center, using tablets and wearing face masks. The environment is bright and airy with large windows and advanced equipment around the room. A teacher or instructor is present, providing guidance.
A group of children is seated at tables in a modern classroom or learning center, using tablets and wearing face masks. The environment is bright and airy with large windows and advanced equipment around the room. A teacher or instructor is present, providing guidance.
Pelatihan Profesional

Program pelatihan profesional kami membantu Anda mengembangkan keterampilan yang relevan di dunia kerja saat ini.

Dapatkan sertifikasi yang diakui untuk meningkatkan kredibilitas dan peluang karir Anda di industri.

Sertifikasi Resmi
A group of people seated in a computer lab, each facing a desktop computer. The monitors display a website with text and colorful graphics. The room is dimly lit, with a presentation projected on a screen in the background. One person is holding a phone, and there are books or notebooks on the desk.
A group of people seated in a computer lab, each facing a desktop computer. The monitors display a website with text and colorful graphics. The room is dimly lit, with a presentation projected on a screen in the background. One person is holding a phone, and there are books or notebooks on the desk.

Ulasan Pelanggan

Dapatkan pengalaman belajar yang efektif dan relevan dengan Edunas.

Pelatihan di Edunas sangat membantu saya meningkatkan keterampilan profesional dan daya saing di dunia kerja. Metode pembelajarannya sangat interaktif dan menyenangkan.

Rina Sari
An old-fashioned typewriter with a sheet of paper inserted, displaying the words 'STEAM EDUCATION' in bold letters. The typewriter rests on a wooden surface, giving a vintage look.
An old-fashioned typewriter with a sheet of paper inserted, displaying the words 'STEAM EDUCATION' in bold letters. The typewriter rests on a wooden surface, giving a vintage look.


Edunas memberikan pelatihan yang inovatif dan relevan. Saya merasa lebih siap menghadapi tantangan di era digital setelah mengikuti kursus online mereka.

A black and white photograph of a classroom where multiple students are sitting at desks with computers. A person is interacting with the students, possibly teaching or assisting them. Large windows line the wall in the background, allowing natural light to illuminate the room.
A black and white photograph of a classroom where multiple students are sitting at desks with computers. A person is interacting with the students, possibly teaching or assisting them. Large windows line the wall in the background, allowing natural light to illuminate the room.
Budi Santoso



Hubungi Kami untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut

Kami siap membantu Anda dalam perjalanan pembelajaran yang inovatif.

A vintage typewriter with an olive green body is set on a wooden surface, with a sheet of paper inserted that reads 'BLENDED LEARNING' in bold, capital letters.
A vintage typewriter with an olive green body is set on a wooden surface, with a sheet of paper inserted that reads 'BLENDED LEARNING' in bold, capital letters.